英语高中作文 篇1
Every year 15th, October is the WhiteCane Safety Day.
It is no doubt that it is a festival for the blind people. It remindsus of caring the blind.
I want to ask you when you meet blind people, have youever help them.
Some people are born of blind and some suffer from accidents. Ina word, they are different from our normal people.
Their life color is black,without any light.
Can you imagine what kind of life would be for the blind? Sothey need help to live better and need love warm their heart. The appearing of seeingeye dog is a good way to show our care for them.
But when we see the blind, westill should help them incumbent.
For example, when we see a blind personcrossing the road, we should give our hand to him. When they drop things, weshould help them pick it up initiative. Helping people in need is our Chinesetraditional virtue all the time.
Let us strengthen our awareness to help theblind! Make a world filled with love.
英语高中作文 篇2
2. 通过本次实习,在教学工作的过程中向优秀教师学习,认识人民教师的光荣职责,树立和巩固忠诚人民教育事业的思想.
Xx中学是一所教育局直属初级中学,建于1988年,占地面积58029平方米,建筑面积19366平方米。现有教职工128人,专任教师110名,30个教学班,1667名在校生。学校全面贯彻党的教育方针,以“办人民满意的教育”为目标,以“培养学生可持续发展能力,为学生的明天负责”的办学思想,以“德育为先,能力为重,全面发展”为教育理念,以“合作创新,学有特长,身心两健,全面发展”为育人目标,以“规范、精细、品位”为工作方针,追求卓越,争创名校。坚持以人为本,加强队伍建设,强化教学管理与研究,不断提高教学质量,实现了中考“二十一连冠”。学校以优异的成绩,在清苑育苑独树一帜,多次受到省市县领导的表扬与肯定。曾获得 “保定市示范性初中”、“保定市名校”、“河北省安全文明校园”、“河北省绿色学校”、“河北省双语教学实验校”、 “河北省体育传统项目学校”、“河北省依法治校示范校”、“ 河北省校务公开示范校”、“河北省网络教育模式与绩效实验研究实验学校”、“河北省现代教育技术示范校”等荣誉称号。
我一共进行了两次试讲,每次大约20分钟。第一次试讲讲的是课本内容,,另一次使讲解课后作业。3月22日,我在初一六班进行了一次试讲。上课内容是Starter Unit4:what’s this in English?由于第一次上课没有太多经验,我在教学风格上部分模仿了我的指导老师,此外也添加一些自己的内容。比如,为了吸引学生的兴趣,我将简笔画与口语练习相结合,并以此复习学生们已经学过的单词。我的第一次试讲取得了较好的效果,指导老师也给予了肯定。当然,还是存在一些不足,比如,由于紧张,我犯了一个口头错误,在让学生做练习的时候少加了一句重要的句型。在课堂后,我在教室后面检查板书,发现板书格式不太规范。在与指导老师以及其他几位听课老师交流后,我将自己的优缺点都记下,为下次讲课做改进。
英语高中作文 篇3
Cellphones are becoming more and more popular among the middle school students at present.About that,people have different opinions.
Some think it is good for students to bring a cellphone because it's more convenient to contact to each other.But othersdo not think so.They think it is bad for students to bring acellphone.Because the students will use mobile phones to play games,sent text messages,watch movies and so on,which will do harm to their study.Andthe teacher and students would be disturbed if cellphone ring during the class time.
In my opinion,bringing cellphones to school is not a bad thing if we make the best use of it.As we all know,a cellphone is one of the quickest tools for us to exchange information in 21st century.Ifthere’s
an accident,it'smore convenient to dial for help immediately.What's more,we can use cellphones for relaxing ourselves a little bit when we're tired of studies.In my mind,it's not wrong to follow the cellphone fashion,but the most important thing is to know how to use them in a right way.
英语高中作文 篇4
the internet eerts a peculiar fascination on a great many people. both the old and the youth can enjoy the civilized comforts which modern science brings to us. it really adds color to the dull routine of everyday life.
there is no doubt that for the youth the internet is an important tool for study. nothing can be compared with its convenient operation, high speed and varied information resources. as long as you click what you need, you’ll get a large number of information picked out in such a short time. besides outputting the information, at the same time, yon can input your own works and send them to the internet. in this way you can have more opportunities to share the tremendous spiritual ecitement with the ones who have common goals. by comparison, the youth prefer to spend the long and friendless evenings in front of the computer—it seers to be the only form of entertainment. they have a variety of eperiences: from the chat to the love online from the network game to the network crime. perhaps they have led the cultural trend of the network, and they are the spreader of the internet culture.
the old, however, sometimes imagine .the internet to be a sort of place full of mystery. they often failed to understand how the ‘net’ works. one thing is certain, however, they always go into raptures at the mere mention the internet. they are forever talking with a proud about how skilled their grandsons operate the computer and surf the internet, or the fantastic the internet trip they went on their own ----after that, they never forget to list the privilege of modern science one by one, and make a conclusion that how fast the science and technology developed.
no one can avoid being influenced by modern science and technology. maybe we can use our intelligence to make more discoveries and create more inventions aiming at influencing more people.
英语高中作文 篇5
Someone asks me what on earth happiness means? I can't give you the exact definition of it, but I'm sure if you love and help others, you'll get it..
I'll never forget an old lady. She lives in a small house alone. It's said that her husband and her son died in a traffic accident. How bitter her life is!But the old lady often helps others with a smile. Whenever it snows, she is always the first to clean the paths. She looks after several children living nearby. I am one of them. I often remember the stories she told us and her kind smile. Perhaps she is unlucky, but I think she is a happy person. Her life is full of laughter and love.
But I'm sad to see some people getting their happiness in bad ways.They speak loudly in cinemas and meeting rooms; they destroy trees to enjoy themselves and they laugh at others' shortcomings. Perhaps they feel happy at that time, but they will never get true happiness because they have lost their personality.
Now I know what happiness is. It means kindness, love and unselfishness. Above all, only bringing happiness to others can make you yourself get it.