英语高中作文 篇1
Let me say something about the picture.
There are two tall trees in it. Under the tree there is a long chair. And there is an old man reading about swimming. Near the old man, there is a boy painting. I think he loves painting very much. Next to the painting boy, there are two boys playing football. They are happy.
But the football is in the river. Near the river, there are three children fishing. They go fishing about twice a week and they always go to the People’s Park. They like fishing. In the river, there is clear water and some fish swimming in it. The sky is clear, the sun is shining brightly, the weather is warm.. There are two birds flying in the sky, they are happy. Wow, that is a fun picture!
Dear friends, can you draw the picture?
英语高中作文 篇2
在英语教学中,培养学生听、说、读、写的能力是相辅相成的。经常练习写作,可以巩固和发展听说能力,还可以促进阅读能力的提高。写作能促使学生勤复习、多思考。通过对一词一句反复推敲,有助于提高使用 语言的准确性。
用英语解释生词,为学生打好写作基础。教师应创造语言环境,通过耳濡目染、潜移默化,培养用英语思维的习惯。在教每课的单词和词组时,要尽量用学生学过的单词、词组进行解释。刚开始时,可由教师用英语解释生词,后来可让学生根据汉语释意,用自己学过的单词、词组解释。这样,经过一段时间的训练,学生的英语思维能力就会有所提高,为英语写作打下较好的基础。在作文时,如果不知道某个东西的英语表达方式而又无词典可查,这时学生就会用其释义来代替,如用"a person who makes clothes"来代替"a tailor", 这虽不完全符合英语语言习惯,但对初学写作的高中生来说还是值得鼓励的。
如在学习了"The Lost Necklace"(《项链》)、"Tailor's Shop"(《百万英镑》)等课文后,我引导学生把这些课文进行改写,以英语剧的.形式表演出来,这就要求学生不仅要读这两个故事的原文或改写本,更要求他们把已学过的知识运用到实际中,围绕剧情,根据角色的身份、职业特点、社会文化背景等进行增加或删改,提高了他们运用语言的能力。
此外,锻炼学生运用其它体裁改写整篇文章。如高二"A Famous Detective"写著名侦探福尔摩斯的故事是以第三人称叙述的,故事中的人物有大侦探福尔摩斯、助手华生、小姐、叔叔等。我让学生发挥各自的优势,用各种体裁和形式,对原文进行改写。有的改写成了剧本,我就组织几个学生分角色表演;有的学生用第一人称来叙事,以故事中的某一个角色为"我",来重新构造故事;还有的发挥充分的想象,将"毒蛇"拟人化,来叙述故事等等。学生们兴意昂然,自由发挥,身临其境,创造情景,全班有多一半的同学参加了有表情的表演、朗诵等课堂展示活动,不仅锻炼了他们的想象能力,也锻炼了学生们的写作能力。
以多题材、多形式的自由作文训练,加强了意念功能的培养。经过一段时间的缩写和改写的笔头训练之后,学生对写作有了一定的基础和兴趣,就可以放手让他们进行多种题材的自由作文训练,使学生在自由表达思想和内心感受中,加强意念功能培养。 练习写周记日记是培养学生英语自由写作能力的第一步。写周记日记 ,学生不受内容和经验的限制,可就熟悉的题材,充分发挥自己的想象力,自由表达。 看图作文新颖活泼 ,能激发学生英语写作的积极性。可以用流传较广的传说、故事作图,让学生写记叙文。比如画几幅老鼠商议给猫挂铃铛的图,让学生以"The cat and the bell"作文。也可画一幅漫画,让学生写简易议论文。如画一幅三人向三个方向划一条小船,让学生写出情景加以评论,并命题。 作文可由教师统一命题,也可由学生自由命题。命题作文要注意先易后难,开始让学生写一些自己熟悉、易于表达的题材。如:"Our School"、 "My Family"、"A Letter To Somebody"、"A Repectable Teacher"、"Life In Summer Vacation"等。在此基础上,提高一步,写一些较难的题目,如:My Ideal, Money And Happiness 等。刚开始练习命题作文写作时,可让学生课外完成,规定交作文日期即可。经过一段时间后,可要求他们在课堂上完成,借以培养他们的思考能力,提高快速写作的能力。
英语高中作文 篇3
the internet eerts a peculiar fascination on a great many people. both the old and the youth can enjoy the civilized comforts which modern science brings to us. it really adds color to the dull routine of everyday life.
there is no doubt that for the youth the internet is an important tool for study. nothing can be compared with its convenient operation, high speed and varied information resources. as long as you click what you need, you’ll get a large number of information picked out in such a short time. besides outputting the information, at the same time, yon can input your own works and send them to the internet. in this way you can have more opportunities to share the tremendous spiritual ecitement with the ones who have common goals. by comparison, the youth prefer to spend the long and friendless evenings in front of the computer—it seers to be the only form of entertainment. they have a variety of eperiences: from the chat to the love online from the network game to the network crime. perhaps they have led the cultural trend of the network, and they are the spreader of the internet culture.
the old, however, sometimes imagine .the internet to be a sort of place full of mystery. they often failed to understand how the ‘net’ works. one thing is certain, however, they always go into raptures at the mere mention the internet. they are forever talking with a proud about how skilled their grandsons operate the computer and surf the internet, or the fantastic the internet trip they went on their own ----after that, they never forget to list the privilege of modern science one by one, and make a conclusion that how fast the science and technology developed.
no one can avoid being influenced by modern science and technology. maybe we can use our intelligence to make more discoveries and create more inventions aiming at influencing more people.
英语高中作文 篇4
Youth has been praised by many people. They believe that it is the most precious time of one's lifetime, because youth stands for young age and energy. So we should cherish youth and do whatever we like. In my opinion, when we are young, the first thing we need to do is to fight for our future. So we spend a lot of time studying and gain much knowledge. The store of knowledge helps us solve all kinds of problems. When we have enough ability, we are no longer afraid of meeting difficulties. The second thing we need to do is to broaden our vision. As we are young and full of energy, it is the best time to see more scenery. Don't wait for retirement to explore the world. What we see will make us mature and stronger. Let's enjoy the beautiful youth.
英语高中作文 篇5
smoking and health
we meet smokers everywhere. there are 6.5 billion people in the world, and about 1.2 billion of them are smokers, which make up to 20 percent of the worlds total population.
smoking is very harmful. first, smoking costs a great deal of money. it wastes 200 billion dollars each year in the world. second,smoking does harm to the health of smokers and even the people near them. about 3 million people die of diseases caused by smoking every year.
luckily, more and more people have come to realize the great harm of smoking. to our delight the total amount of world tobacco production has dropped from over 14 billion pounds in to 7 billion pounds in . it is certain that the number of smokers will further decrease gradually.
吸烟有害。首先,吸烟需要花费大量金钱。全世界每年需要浪费掉2 000亿美元。其次,吸烟对吸烟者和他周围的人有害,每年大约有300万人死于因吸烟而引起的疾病。
英语高中作文 篇6
Life is a long process, we have too many expectations, will inevitably encounter disappointments and frustrations. The ideal on the shelf, come back to find that we like a fish, always thought that I had wings are birds, but finally I know that I can't fly. Life like water, and sometimes cloudy, sometimes clear, we struggle against social this big VAT - "I often feel life owed me, why do people always happiness and joy than yourself?" In the face of setbacks, we complain about life deceives us, we thought there was no hope of their life. We often compared himself to lost the swan, but forget oneself want how to fly.
As a child, then established the goofy's desire. So many years, has been trying to, in insist, waiting for, has vowed to make yourself proud fly. But the difficulty and the setback already ambush all around, let's get stuck here. We have very strong telling myself, don't because at present small setbacks, but let themselves to give up the dream life? Even if life has deceived me, but this is not fearful; The enemy attack me, also is not terrible, terrible is betrayed our dream and gave up. Even live tired, live hard, also want to insist on your dream, give their best confidence and courage, toward a glorious and brilliant tomorrow. But few people do it?
But grew up, social this big cylinder multifarious colors, we see more dazzling. But we think the bottom of my heart has its own principle, can easily be tempted by the outside world? When looking back to the history's dust, always feel oneself still maintain magnanimous feelings from the past, still with his own emotion, but always failed for himself and guilty about ideal life. We should think like this: one failure is nothing, still remains the most quality of the things we do, we insist the dream is still the most valuable. With the accumulation of time, looking at others get summer fruit, they themselves are empty,
英语高中作文 篇7
英语高中作文 篇8
"Going on a Diet" means being moderate in eating and drinking.
As we know, our body is a balanced system which needs a reasonable diet. A reasonable or balanced diet can help people keep fit because it not only prevents them from eating too much fat which may cause many diseases but aisc provides them with sufficient nutrition to guarantee that their body operates properly. Besides, going on a diet can aisc help people, especially young ladies keep a slender figure, which will of course beautify their life.
However, every coin has two sides. Going on a diet is no exception. If carried to extremes, going on a diet may even become dangerous to our health. As weknow, eating too much will result in corpulence, while eating too little wilI lead to malnutrition, which is also the cause of many diseases, Obviously, going on a diet doesn't mean eating too little, Such a misunderstanding must be avoided.
In my judgement, not everybody needs to go on a diet. Good health should be our primary concern. If your purpose is to have a slender figure, a diet should be carried only to the extent that your health is not affected.
英语高中作文 篇9
In our life , pains and happiness are always together . It's just like standing under the sun , you'll get the sunshine but also the shadow . We all have pains and troubles when we grow up . We can't escape from them . Opposite , we should face them and solve them .
When I was in grade seven , I used to be really helpless and lonely . I had so much trouble with my study and my classmates . I could seldom understand the teacher when I was in class , I was shy to ask how to solve a question when I didn't know how to do it , I even never finish my homework after school . Because of these problems . I didn't have friends . Really , at that time , I thought no one liked to be a poor student's friend . No one paid attention to me .
But I know , I couldn't be a person that no one liked me . So , I asked my teacher many times "how to make friends",and I asked my parents , I even search the Internet for a proper answer . At the same time , I studied much harder than before , I tried to do my homework by myself , I did a lot of exercises , and I read many books . I also tried to talk to my classmates and made friends with them . At first , they were very surprised and tired to avoid me . I felt really discouraged and painful , but I wiped my tears off and tried my best , finally , I made it , my scores went up and I also had great friends .
Today , when I think about those days , I believe that attitude decides everything . If I gave up when I was in grade seven , I wouldn't become today's me . Growing pains can bring happiness , it depends on whether you can see the thing that behind it . In the way we grow , pains can make you stronger and lead you to success .